Each year, many people will ‘let go’ and indulge in a variety of different treats over the festive season, promising themselves that once the New Year has arrived, they will start to take care of their bodies, minds and souls.
Two of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions are to diet / eat healthier, and to exercise more often however these goals have also proven to be two of the hardest targets to meet with many people breaking their resolutions within weeks of making them!
Next year, instead of setting yourself impossible targets why not make a New Year’s Resolution that will not only provide a whole wealth of benefits, but is also achievable whilst at the same time enjoyable!
So why not make ‘Massage’ your New Year’s Resolution…?
Massage was once considered to be a luxury, a special treat, and something you might indulge in once in a blue moon! But oh how times have changed! People are now beginning to come to the realisation that massage is more of a necessity rather than a treat, and is actually much more affordable than you may first expect. Partaking in regular massage is a long term investment in your health and wellbeing, and has a huge list of benefits for both your physical and mental health.
The positive effects of massage that you will begin to notice when participating in regular massage therapy include an increase to your general level of health and wellness, improved emotional balance, better sleep quality, instant pain relief and improved digestion.
In addition to this, massage therapy can also be very beneficial to other aspects of your wellbeing such as regulating your heartbeat, improving memory and evening managing your weight. Certain massage therapy is recommended for illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer due to its healing and pain-reducing effects. If you are unsure if massage will work with a particular illness, then always speak to your doctor or physician first.
Alternatively, your New Year’s Resolution may be to learn a new skill. If this is the case, then why not learn how to provide Massage Therapy (either on a personal or professional level). Again, this is a fantastic goal for the new year, and one which is easy to stick to. We have many different courses available throughout the year, some specifically aimed at beginners and some aimed at experienced therapists who are looking to expand their knowledge and skillset.
Overall, try not to set yourself impossible goals for the New Year. The more achievable your targets are, the more likely you are to reach them. Goals such as exercising more often, and eating healthy are practical but in most cases, not very enjoyable. It is important to choose goals that are realistic for you and your lifestyle, and that you get enjoyment from. So, give it a try and make ‘Massage’ your 2022 New Year’s Resolution, sit back, relax and reap the rewards!